Wednesday, March 23, 2016

If Gold Is Not Money Why Are Central Banks Buying? Silver Summit 'Best O...

Will gold and silver become illegal to own when the bottom falls out? All signs point to that likelihood. You can still own gold and have it protected from these thieves, that will take it away if they find you with any!

Check it out here…
or here:

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Gold Is GONE! - Mike Maloney

The world is going insane! Comex gold is disasterous, but
you can still get the real deal here:

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Paul Craig Roberts Massive Social Instability, Warns Of Economic Collapse

   I have been accused lately of being a “doom and gloom” post person. Well, that is NOT true by ANY stretch! I AM however a REALIST and I thoroughly research EVERYTHING that I put here before posting it. That being
said, enjoy and ponder!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Economic Recovery After Economic Collapse - Analysis

    Yet ANOTHER wake-up call, friends!
Time to protect what you have before it’s too late!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Only Donald Trump can beat ruthless Hillary; here's why: ROOT For America

    It doesn't matter whether you are for or against Trump, this guy pulls the veil off of the criminal element that has had U.S. citizens in its grasp for decades!

Are you awake yet?.

Enjoy and get protected! 
wink emoticon